Who Are We

InterVarsity @ JSU seeks to be more than just another bible study, but rather a movement to see students and faculty transformed, Jackson State renewed, and world changers developed.

Current Officers:
Jordan Scott, President
Keitra Wilson, Vice President
Augustine Madiebo, Outreach Coordinator
Christy Battiste, Media Director
Moeshia Harmon, Events Liaison/Business Manager
Sylvia Flott,  Secretary
Naysa Lynch, CAB representative

Jason "Smiley" Abrams, InterVarsity Associate Area Director
Joshua Cable, JSU Business Development Assistant

One of the ways we pursue this vision is by developing missional small groups across the campus. These groups focus on three main things: 

  1. Community. Acts 2:46 "Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts". It is essential that Christians grow in fellowship with each other. Strong Christian friendships help fight against temptations on campus. We build community by having...
    • game nights, BBQ/cook outs, one-on-one lunches, poetry jam sessions, traveling to local and national conferences 
  2. Communion. Acts 2:42 "They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching..." Another essential element that helps Christians on our mission is through maintaining communication with God. We understand the importance of individually growing spiritually. Therefore we focus on:
    • inductive bible studies
    • weekly prayer meetings
  3. Commission. Matthew 28:19-20 "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." We acknowledge that there will be thousands of students who will never set foot in a bible study or even a church during their college years. Therefore, it is important that as a Christian group, we live out the great commission. 
    • Prayer Walks
    • Prayer boxes in the dorms
    • Evangelistic interactive surveys